(732) 701-1661 jacquelyn@solutionsprovided.com

Engaging Audiences

Workshops & Keynotes

Solutions Provided Workshops are highly interactive and engaging. Solutions Provided weaves various activities, games, and interactions that create cycles of action and reflection into our workshop sessions. These sessions are facilitated discussions that question, discuss and challenge the way participants think about themselves, their colleagues, and their own situations/challenges in the workplace. We work with the formula that our thinking drives our behavior and our behavior impacts outcomes and results.

Our approach to all adult learning, training, and competency development is that participants learn by doing as opposed to passively listening to lectures. Therefore, we specifically structure our courses to have the following characteristics:

  1. Highly interactive onsite & virtual sessions
  2. Behavioral tools that give people insights into their own behavioral needs, stress points, and communication style
  3. Integration of emotional intelligence and communication skills
  4. Real play, analysis, and exercises for practicing skills and techniques
  5. Purposeful scenario examples
  6. In workshop group work with presentations of participant conclusions, recommendations, and feedback from colleagues and the facilitator.

As always, we welcome the opportunity to design custom topics and solutions to meet your need. A small sampling of our workshop and speaking engagement topics include:

  • Intentional Leadership

The importance of awareness, influence, alignment, and connection.

Understanding the impact of stress behavior on performance and influence.

  • The Law of Attraction for Leaders

Integrate and incorporate learning agility, awareness of mindset, thoughts, and intentional energy.

  • Leaders Connect, Communicate & Engage

Understanding communication preferences & needs as they relate to engagement.

  • Transformational Leader



Influence & Impact

Learning Agility

Disruptive Thinking

  • Leadership Mindset

Curious, Humble, Confident, & Courageous.


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